Mozambique ’09 Update 6

Well it has been a few weeks!  Sorry if some of you thought I got lost in Zimbabwe!  But we had an awesome time there and things have been really good here in Dondo as well. == Zimbabwe ========== Lovemore and I had a great time in Mutare, Zimbabwe.  (Lovemore is one...

Mozambique ’09 Update 5

Just wanted to let you know that I am planning a trip out of the country for this Saturday/Sunday.  My visa expires on September 7th so I have to leave the country, stay overnight, then come back in to Mozambique as a “tourist” again to get a new visa.  I...

Domingos Fernando

11 years old, so full of life, with a singing voice like an angel.  “Brrrryan!” he would scream at me from halfway across the base.  I have seen him at every Tuesday night home group for worship and prayer.  The first weekend I was here we had a youth...

The Prayer of Baygon

The ministration of this prayer shall be completed once the apparatus upon which thou sleepest has been duly and thoroughly fumigated with the Lord’s wrath and fury toward all bugkind, otherwise known as Baygon Insect Repellant. “We thanketh thee, O Lord,...

Mozambique ’09 Update 4

As I sit here on Friday evening listening to my iPod on speakers whose batteries died two days ago, yet continue to blast out God’s praises, I am reminded of His goodness and how much He cares about the little things. In the interest of not claiming anything the...

Culture Shock & Shopping “Culture shock refers to the anxiety and feelings of surprise, disorientation, uncertainty, confusion, etc. felt when people have to operate within a different and unknown culture or social environment, such as a...